Tap the Cask

Whisky is more than a mere beverage. Whisky is an experience, evolving over time and summoning complex emotions with its complex flavors and aromas. Whisky is a lifestyle. Few people drink whisky because they are thirsty. People drink whisky because dammit, you deserve it.

Similarly, The Oaken Cask is more than a mere whisky lounge. The Oaken Cask is a community, linked by our love of novel experiences, appreciation of the finer things, and our thirst for life. The Oaken Cask is your guide through the myriad of wildly differing whiskies. Let us lead you on a journey to discover new exciting loves or let us usher you to old favorites and classic comfort.

The Oaken Cask is a sanctuary, a refuge from the daily stress and grind. Kick back and relax, forget strife for a spell while soaking up the lush atmosphere and engaging with bright minds and bright eyes.

Join us and live life to the fullest.